Do you use Adium for your IM client in MacOSX? Then you will probably notice how frustrating it is (in Adium and in any other IM client) to be away from the keyboard (e.g. sitting in sofa at the living room with the Adium opened in your Mac at bedroom) and someone important talks to you or signs on.
There is a neat option in Adium that can transform it to a voice notification system, whenever someone signs on or talks to you. All you have to do is follow the instructions given below:
- (With the Adium opened) From “Adium” menu select “Preferences”
- In “Events” tab double click the Event “Contact signs on” if you want to be notified whenever someone signs on or “Message received (Initial)” if you want to be notified only whenever someone begins chatting with you.
- Select the action “Speak Specific Text” and in the field “Text To Speak” add the “%n is online!” or the “%n talks to you!” depending on the event you chose in the previous step.
- Press OK and you are done!
Simple huh? Now you will never miss a conversation while you are in the room nearby! You can do some further changes in this, by changing the voice for every event or the pitch / volume!
You can also use the wildcard %a instead of %n in step 3 in order to hear the user alias that you have entered for each user instead of the user nickname!
For the Greek version of this tutorial you can go here.